Flooding is one of the highest risks to people and properties in the UK, so being prepared is essential.
Many organisations work together to predict and reduce the risk of flooding in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. But when it rains heavily, almost anywhere can flood – even if flood defences are in place.
There are numerous flood warning areas in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. Find out if you your area is at risk from flooding.
Sign up for free flood warnings by phone, text or email.
For information about extreme flooding in your area, please contact the MET Office.
Flood warning - know what to do

Before bad weather

When you receive a warning
- Turn off gas, water and electricity
- Move things upstairs or to safety
- Move family, pets and car to safety

In severe weather:
- Call 999 if in immediate danger
- Follow advice from emergency services
- Keep yourself and your family safe
Stop floods destroying your world
Being prepared for flooding can help keep you, your family and community safe.
Here are ways you can prepare for a flood event:
- Arrange a safe place to go in the event of a flood to your property
- Have a household flood plan for you and your family
- Check that you are insured in the event of a flood. Contact the National Flood Forum on 01299 403055 for further help and advice
- Make sure you know how to turn off your gas, electricity and water
- Prepare an emergency flood kit ‘grab bag’
- Learn from your local community on the severity of past flooding events and work together to help prevent and minimise damage and stay safe should a flooding event occur
- Keep a list of useful phone numbers
Useful contacts and advice
Environment Agency General Enquiries:
03708 506 506
The National Flood Forum
Advice on flooding and insurance
01299 403 055
Insurance advice for homes at risk of flooding
Flood Re
Information on affordable and available home insurance.
Western Power
If there are older, pregnant, or infant family members or anyone with mobility, sensory or illness related issues, sign up to the Priority Service Register with Western Power distribution.
0800 096 3080
Public Health England
Advice for the public (1.56 MB)
Blue Pages
The UK’s leading independent flood directory
Red Cross
Emergency App
Citizens Advice
Advice if you are in rented accomodation